
Hello, welcome to「Suka」!

Edit on GitHub

Hexo is a static site generator which is based on Node.js. You can learn how to install Hexo and generate your own website or blog at Hexo’s Official Documents.

In this documentation, we suppose you have already successfully installed hexo and finished hexo init to set up a site.

There are two configuration files in Hexo Project, one in the root directory of your Hexo Project and the other in the theme directory. For the convenience of description, the former is referred to as site config and the latter as theme config.

Before using “Suka” theme, please read Hexo’s Official Documents carefully and configure the basic configuration, such as title, subtitle, description, author, timezone, language etc.

Download desired versions

Download latest Release

The latest release. Recommended for most users.

Download latest Canary Branch

This build may be unstable, but it includes the latest features. Recommended for developers and advanced users.

Download other version

You can decide which version to use. Some releases are no longer supported.

Choose the version you want to deploy, expand Assets tab in releases page, and download Source Code (zip).
Here is an example of downloading version 0.2.0:

Unpack it and rename it to suka, and then move it to themes directory of your Hexo Project.

Using Git

With git you can decide which version and branch you want to use. You can use git pull to update the theme if you goes this way.

cd themes
git clone suka
cd suka
git checkout {branch/tags name/commit hash}

Install “Suka”

When installing “Suka” you need extra steps which is diffrent from other themes. First you need to enter themes directory and install dependencies for “Suka”.

cd themes/suka
npm install --production

Then you need to make a copy of _config.example.yml and rename it to _config.yml.

cp -i _config.example.yml _config.yml

With the theme being developed, the theme config template will change. By copying the config you can avoid potential conflicts for users who use git pull to upgrade the theme.

If you are using git for your Hexo Project or you are using CI to generate and deploy your site, please read [Advanced Setting - CI] for more details.

Now go back to the root directory of your Hexo Project, then execute:

cat themes/suka/site_config.yml >> _config.yml

Now your site config should look like:

# Extensions
## Plugins:
## Themes:
theme: landscape

# Suka Theme config
# Documents:
    enable: false
    path: search.json
    field: post # Page | Post | All. Default post
    enable: false
    line_number: true
    theme: default

Enable “Suka”

Change theme key’s value to suka.

# Extensions
## Plugins:
## Themes:
-theme: landscape
+theme: suka

# Suka Theme config
# Documents:
    path: search.json
    field: post # Page | Post | All. Default post
    line_number: true
    theme: default

Start “Suka”

Run the command below to start a local Hexo Server.

hexo s --debug

During the service startup process, pay attention any abnormal outputs. If you want to report issues, those information will help.

When the output looks like the lines below

INFO  Hexo is running at http://localhost:4000/. Press Ctrl+C to stop.

It means Hexo is already running on your device, check https://localhost:400 in your browser.

If you have any problem using “Suka”, try searching in the documentation at sidebar or open new issue at GitHub.

Update “Suka”

If you downloaded “Suka” from a GitHub release, you should rename your theme directory from suka to suka-old, and rename the newer version of “Suka” directory to suka. Then follow the guide at changelog to migrate your configuration to the newer version. You can delete suka-old directory afterwards if you want.

If you use git to download “Suka”, you need to backup your theme config (for example, rename it to _config.old.yml), and then run git pull to update “Suka”. You will see a new _config.example.yml. Make a copy of it and rename it as _config.yml. Now you can migrate your settings from _config.old.yml to _config.yml. After the test you can delete _config.old.yml.